What Does it Cost to Improve Your Home?

By qepdz Apr15,2024

This article will explain how we arrive at the final values for Your Home Improvement. Variations are predictable and can be controlled during the entire work process. Standards and ranges determine budgets.

What is the cost of a small apartment renovation project?

Design and Layout

Projects are the beginning of all things. We will work with him to define the project’s guidelines until the end. Projects vary in complexity. Depending on their length, the value of the property can vary from R $2000.00 to R $6,000.00. This is a complete project in any environment. Images from 3D environments are considered.

Technical Work Report (ART or RRT)

The ABNT Reform Standard NBR 16.280:2015 establishes stages for Home Improvement and lists requirements before, during, and after a Home Improvement. The builder/developer and designer must review any construction work that changes or compromises safety in the building or the surrounding area within the decadent period (after the guarantee expires). After the decadent period, a report must be signed by an architect or engineer and the owner. This rule eliminates all amateurs, curious people, and handypersons. It favors good techniques. ” source www.caubr.gov.br/normadereformas.

They can vary depending on the work to be done. This is the most crucial part of your documentation.

Spreadsheets and Contracts

It is important to start the process of contracting works after the project has been completed. A contract can be created based on project information and include variables such as:

  • Only labor. The client is responsible for all materials up until the moment the service is performed.
  • Basic materials and labor. This form of contracting allows us to purchase all basic materials for the performance of the services. The contract specifies the basic materials.
  • Single Contract: All services contracted will include all labor and materials in the process without requiring the customer to purchase anything.

The cost of construction management is between 7% and 10% more than the cost of renovating an apartment.

Preliminary Services

Every completed work will follow this process. This is the process that every completed work will go through. The removal of materials that will be reused is one example. It’s now time to start the work. (average of 7% budget)

Civil Works

We have already made a step forward, and that is to start the reconstruction process. We can start putting the walls in restricted areas of the project. This phase is very important, but many don’t take into consideration this detail. These are crucial because all the finishing and detailing will follow them. When installing the finishing, all adjustments, corners, squares, and plumbs will be checked. Budget: 13% on average


It is important to consider the complexity of this stage, as it will require professionals to install all the parts that make your apartment run. There are several important aspects to consider when improving your apartment. These include electrical, hydraulics and automation, air conditioning, network, data, and data. Budget: 20% on average


Painting, flooring, marble, and granite are some of the finishes that do not have high volumes. These materials can be priced anywhere from R $45 per m2 to R $1,000 per m2. In this example, approximately 30% of your budget will be spent on these processes.

This is the final step in Home Improvement for your apartment. It is where you store your possessions and your infrastructure. The joinery can be modular and planned according to the standard of each company or made specifically for you, with all your chosen details. It is important to remember that this is the final stage of your project and, therefore, one of the most costly processes. The average cost is 25% of the budget.

Check Out The Cost of Home Improvement

Your work can vary greatly depending on the materials you use. Home Improvements can be as low as R $ 600 per m2. All the above factors are taken into consideration. The cost of a project that includes all the above points with a higher level of detail could reach R $ 5,000 per m2.

Processes are standardized, but concepts are not!

First, you will need the plan for the building or business. We can then be more confident in our budget.

We classify the Reform into four types:

  1. Simple Reform: This is a simple and quick reform for those in urgent need. It can last between 2 and 3 weeks, depending on the request.
  2. Standard Home Renovation: This is a quick home improvement, but it involves more interventions. It also includes plaster, unusual paintings, and coating changes without altering the layout of the house.
  3. Customized Reformm: This type of reform may require formal planning. However, reformplanning is essential. In this category, there are many interventions, and it is necessary to have a project executive oversee the work. This will help you avoid unnecessary expenditures and keep your budget under control.
  4. Complete makeover: It’s in the name! This includes all the above points, as well as joinery and marble. These two items need to be planned separately. This is done because the impact on the budget is greater, and different teams carry it out.

By qepdz

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